Previous Projects

A man sewing sanitary pads

 A group of people were taught  how to sew menstrual pads

Student engaging in collection of plastic bottles and saying NO to WASTE. This activity was organized by Kuleana Youth Empowerment and was suported by British connecting classroom

Saying NO to WASTE was done in collaboration of Mboni secondary school, Lyakirimu Secondary school, and the British Council. We bring awareness to the students by collecting plastic bottles and providing dustbins to our schools in order to fight against climatic change

Donating material for electrifying dormitories

Starting of this project with the aim of teaching girls on how to sew their own re-usable sanitary pads led to another project which help our organization to collaborate with Heidi and Peggy from California that integrated English language and science in the garden.  

[to view click the link below] 

In 2021 we managed to donate a photocopier machine to Mboni secondary school. This has enabled the students in the school to get different tests and examinations to boost their academic performance. Before this donation it was difficult for the students to get more tests and exams.

After the students have learnt from the knowledge given by the organization they have been able to create their own art works and they  have displayed them also some students have participated in painting the school entrance wall gate this have created awareness to the students and have provided hard workers to the society. 

Our organization dealt with the provision of education to some few students  on making of compost manure, this is to develop creativity among students who are taking science in the school, this will help students of both sex engage in gardening equally without internal fear

Our organization collaborated with community citizen science together withUCDAVIS  which relates English language with science in the garden this helps to influence everyone involve in gardening activities and improve their English language vocabulary.

Also our organization have been dealing with production of handwashing and multipurpose soap that helps to keep neatness to the students washrooms and prevent spread of diseases like UTI, STI's other related diseases.